Our First Coffee Date
Get to know Anne and the blog.
This is Me, In All My Glory
Hi, I’m Anne.
In addition to being a certifiable coffee addict, I am a writer, speaker, pastor’s wife, and adoptive mother of two. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in non-fiction.
Beyond the blog, my contributions can be found in resourcing ministries such as Unveiled and Free, Reclaimed Story, Alongside Ministry Wives, Gospel at Home Magazine and soon Eden and Vine Magazine.
The only things I love more than coffee are my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and my family, (this includes my English bulldog, Sugar).
My favorite hobbies are reading and preparing food for family and friends. For me, it doesn’t get better than discussing books around a home-cooked meal with people I love. Bringing people together through good words and good food makes my heart happy.
I’m known by my friends for my gifts of wit, authenticity, and encouragement.
My purpose and passion are to make God famous through the humble lessons found in life’s daily grind. I am an imperfect woman living for a perfect God.
Passion & Purpose
“Be loud about the things that are important to you.” -Karen Walrond.
I don’t know who Karen is, but I’ve decided to use her words to personally define passion. Here are the things I’m loud about:
Marriage. My marriage is my primary ministry. My husband is called to be a pastor and I am called to be a pastor’s wife. I love bearing witness to his gifts of leadership. When he thrives, so does our family and our church. I am my husband’s prayer warrior, cheerleader, sounding board, and safe haven, and he is mine. I am grateful for a partner who champions me as a wife, mother, and writer. He is the bright spot in my daily grind.
Motherhood. I am the adoptive mother of two children, a daughter, and a son. Parenting is equal parts grueling and rewarding. Raising kids to follow Christ is unconventional in today’s world, but by God’s grace alone I’m doing it, one day at a time. Every season of motherhood comes with new challenges and surprises. I’m grateful for each one because it’s there I see God’s glory in the dailiness of motherhood.
Hospitality. Our daily grind begins at home. I take great delight in creating spaces my family and friends can thrive in and sink comfortably into. I’ve come to understand that being hospitable is so much more than opening your home; it’s opening your heart. I love feeding bellies and souls with great food, a big comfy couch, and a listening ear. In my home and in my presence, come as you are. I pray God uses my gift of hospitality to provide a safe space for all.
Community. Life is so daily; we are not meant to walk through it alone. God places friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers into our lives for the purpose of community. My testimony is filled with people God used to guide, encourage, and pray for me. The people we encounter every day are often where God shows His glory.
Self-worth. I love encouraging women to see their true worth in Christ. In Him we are seen, we are known, we are forgiven, and we are beautiful. Comparison, self-talk, and worldly standards for women’s bodies are all so loud that they drown out the voice of Truth. I’m passionate about helping women find their lost sense of worth and confidence.
Why I Write
I write for an audience of One. God has given me this gift and I am blessed to use it for His purpose and glory. My prayer for this blog, and for all my work, is that He will be made famous as my audience and platform grow. To anyone led to read and follow the words I put out there, I hope you're encouraged. I hope you laugh. I hope you feel seen, known, and understood. I hope you find God in the daily grind.