It’s a blessing and a privilege to lend my gifts of writing and speaking to ministries that share my values and vision. I am always humbled by the opportunity. Email me today about contributing to your ministry.
Reclaimed Story: Blog
Hopeful Anticipation
Hopeful anticipation can be both a beautiful and disappointing thing. Perhaps it’s because our hope is misplaced. It’s possible we’re simply looking in the wrong spot for our hope to be fulfilled.
We Are All Warriors
Warriors are forces to be reckoned with, wielding their weapon of prayer with courage and power. I’m blessed to know a few prayer warriors. I sometimes wish I could be a prayer warrior too. It turns out, I can be. And so can you.
Confession Meets Mercy
God met me in the crowded food court of a Galleria Mall once. I was on my lunch break from managing the nearby Hallmark store, chewing on a soft pretzel and dripping marinara sauce down the front of my work uniform. I’d brought my pen and journal along with me that day and in between pretzel dips, I had started to write out a prayer. For the past year, I had kept my prayers at surface level.
Anne's Reclaimed Story
Once I got on medication for my depression and anxiety, I felt like my mental battle was finally under control. But, the spiritual warfare in my heart still raged. I was so much farther from God than I cared to admit.
Walk By Faith
Walking by faith asks us to trust in what we cannot see when we’re used to trusting because we can see. It’s difficult to reverse this way of thinking. Like the Israelites, we often look behind us and see the enemy hot on our trail. Then we look around us and see nothing but a barren desert. We question whether we made the right decision to follow God’s call to the wilderness where we see no signs of protection or provision.
How to Find Your People
Who are you with when you feel like the truest, best version of yourself? Who makes you feel loved, accepted, and free of burdens?
If no one comes to mind, here are some steps you can take to find your people.
When Confession Meets Mercy
What if they knew?
Have you ever had a secret that you didn’t want anyone to know? Maybe you were convinced that if people knew, then you wouldn’t be understood or accepted. Perhaps while trying to hide it, you found yourself holding up a façade that was too heavy to carry.
In today’s episode, you will meet Anne, who shares her secret with us, and then about the day when she confessed her secret to God and was met with love and mercy. We hope this episode is an encouragement to you.
Burnout Among Pastors
Did you know that 42% of pastors considered quitting full-time ministry last year? That was a study done in 2022 by Barna Group. Just two years ago, more than 1,700 pastors left ministry each month, according to Lifeway. Why are we seeing this trend? The biggest reason is burnout.
In this episode, you will hear from Zach and Anne Imboden; you may remember Anne from last week’s episode. Zach has been in pastoral ministry for 20 years, and he will give us a front-row seat to what burnout looks like and how we, as the Church, can best support our pastors. We can learn what burnout can look like for any of us, regardless of our profession.
What To Do When You Are Worried & Anxious
If you struggle with worry and anxiety, you are not alone.
Between things like financial pressure, health problems, job stress, relational conflict, and more, it can feel like anxiety is a way of life. But your mind matters to God, and He wants more for you. How can fixing your mind on Him impact your mental health? In this episode, we will talk about what it looks like to seek God for healing of our anxious minds.
In this week's NEW episode with Anne Imboden we talk about what to do when you feel worried and anxious. How can we seek God for healing of our anxious minds?
Gospel At Home Magazine, Issue 01
We need to begin by admitting we don’t have enough to be everything to everyone, or to do it all. We can’t offload the weight we carry without first confessing we trust Him to carry it for us, because we’re just not capable on our own. Bottom line? We are not enough, not without God.
Speaking Engagements
God's Creative Masterpiece
Love Like You Mean It
The Lifehouse Church, Rocklin, CA
Sunday sermon with Pastor Zach Imboden, August 18, 2024
Less is More
Alongside Ministry Wives: Resources
I Said I'd Never Be A Pastor's Wife
I thought I had to compromise who I am to be a pastor’s wife. I thought His calling to ministry would only threaten my own.
Who Am I, If Not A Pastor's Wife?
What my husband’s resignation meant for my identity as a pastor’s wife.
Unveiled and Free: Daily Devotionals
I regularly contribute to this beautiful ministry founded by my friend and fellow writer, Valerie McMahon. You can be blessed by the FREE daily devotionals delivered to your inbox and get 2 extra doses of my writing each month. You’ll also be introduced to many other contributing gifted female writers.