Hungry for Jesus

“So they went away in the boat by themselves to a remote place, but many saw them leaving and recognized them, and they ran on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. When he went ashore, he saw a large crowd and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Then he began to teach them many things.” -Mark 6:32-34

Growing up in the church, I became very familiar with the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. Jesus’ power was on full display and it was without a doubt, one of the most impressive miracles performed during His ministry. It’s easy enough to hone in on the multiplying of the food and marvel at the way Jesus made plenty from only a little. It’s a wonderful lesson in God’s provision, but let’s remember that before there was food, there was a crowd.

Jesus and His disciples were headed for a retreat. They had been going all day and hadn’t eaten a thing; they were in sore need of rest (Mark 6:31). But a throng of people had run ahead of them, blocking their way. They were desperate to see Jesus. It was Jesus’ compassion that compelled Him to forego His time of respite and instead stay with the crowd.

He addressed their most pressing need first, and it wasn’t their hunger. He knew a meal was not what the crowd had gathered for. They didn’t run on foot from all over just to call dibs on a few bites of fish and bread. They were hungry for something more, so hungry that they abandoned their responsibilities for the day and made their way among literally thousands of people and stood for hours upon hours just to be in His presence. They represented a diverse number of families, occupations, and towns, unified together with one urgent need: to be with Jesus.

The Bible tells us Jesus saw the crowd as sheep without a shepherd, and like sheep, the people knew the safest place to be was near their Shepherd, close enough to hear His voice and receive His care. And Jesus did not disappoint. “He began to teach them many things” (v.34). He met their need for a Savior. It wasn’t until night fell that He addressed their physical needs too.

The crowd had been gathered for hours listening to Jesus’ teaching but now it was late in the day, dinner time. According to the disciples, the only options were to send the crowd away so they could find food in the neighboring villages or to purchase food for everyone, which seemed financially insurmountable (v.35-37). Jesus found another way. He took the only food they had, five loaves of bread and two fish, and divided them up amongst the people. “Everyone ate and was satisfied” (v.42). I believe the word “satisfied” here reaches beyond the belly and to the heart. He provided for them in every way imaginable. The crowd came hungry and they left fulfilled. Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty,” (John 6:35).

Study & Reflection: Consider your place in the crowd. Would you drop everything (your responsibilities, your prejudices, your physical comfort, your pride) to join the crowd and follow Jesus? What would you be willing to do if it meant you could be in the presence of Jesus? Today, be reminded of your desperate need for a Savior. Like a sheep before its shepherd, stand before Jesus and allow Him to meet all your needs. Recognize your hunger for something more than just food, and trust Him to provide.

Prayer: Jesus, I come to you today hungry for more than what this world can offer me. Satisfy me with your love and quench my dry and weary soul with Living Water. I am desperate for Your presence. I know in You I have all I’ll ever need. Help me to look past my prejudices and my comforts and recognize that I am among sheep and we are all in need of a Shepherd. Unify me with those around me as we chase after You. Amen.


A Life of Service


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