Do Not Fear
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” -Isaiah 43:13
Every year when I take my kids to the pumpkin patch they insist on navigating the corn maze. I’ll be honest with you, as we enter the maze I’m smiling on the outside but on the inside I’m kicking and screaming. I hate the idea of wandering around without a clear sense of where I’m going or how to get out. My imagination runs rampant and I start to wonder what will happen to us if we get stuck in there without food, water, or a bathroom. Would anyone know to look for us? My fears take an irrational turn and I conjur up all the horrific things that could be waiting for me around each corner.
My eight-year-old son knows corn mazes aren’t my favorite, so, bless his heart he makes a point of holding my hand for the duration of our journey. “I’m right here with you Mom. I’ll lead us out of here,” he says with conviction. His warm little hand transfers confidence from his heart to mine, and together we walk boldly forth into the maze.
There’s something about the reassuring grasp of someone’s hand on ours that assuages our fears. In the face of danger, (or a disorienting corn maze), it’s a reminder that we are not alone.
Did you know the words “Fear not” are in the Bible 365 times? One for every day of the year. God does not want us to live in fear, but empowered by His Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 1:7). When we take His hand, His power transfers to us. We can walk forth with courage and boldness that can only come from God.
God promises us in Isaiah 43:13 that He will take hold of our hand and help us. We need not fear, no matter the circumstances. Whatever it is, we are not facing it alone. He will be there, right by our side, to grasp our hand and lead us out.
Study & Reflection: What are you feeling fearful of today? Read through these additional verses with God’s instructions to “fear not.” (Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 118:6, 1John 4:18) Choose one that speaks best to you and write it down. Place your chosen verse in a place of prominence so that you will have a daily reminder that God is by your side.
Prayer: You are my Lord and God. Take my hand today and give me courage and confidence that far surpasses my own. I will not be afraid because I know You are with me. Whatever I face today I trust You will lead me through it. Amen.