Hi, I’m Anne.
In addition to being a certifiable coffee addict, I am a writer, speaker, pastor’s wife, and adoptive mother of two. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in non-fiction. I am an imperfect woman living for a perfect God.
My purpose and passion are to make God famous through the humble lessons found in life’s daily grind.
I write for an audience of One. God has given me this gift and I am blessed to use it for His purpose and glory. For me, writing is a ministry, not a career. My prayer for this blog, and for all my work, is that He will be made famous as my audience and platform grow. To anyone led to read and follow the words I put out there, I hope you're encouraged. I hope you laugh. I hope you feel seen, known, and understood. I hope you find God in the daily grind.
When I step outside today and feel the cold droplets on my scalp and squish oversaturated ground beneath my feet, perhaps instead of pouting and searching the skies for the sun, I should instead search my heart.